One Day Retreat

9 March

9:00 – 16:30, Seminary, Rabat

Includes lunch and Sunday Mass.

"*" indicates required fields

Participant in*
Lunch Options*
Data Consent*

If you have a code, enter it here.

Security Declaration and Data Protection

Payments Powered by Stripe

All Credit Card Payments are processed through a secure Gateway powered by Stripe

Stripe handles the payment security and processes transactions on its own network. This means no sensitive data, like credit card numbers actually pass through our (Tabhga Foundation’s) servers, so neither us nor potential hackers have access to your credit card information.

Stripe has implemented several layers of protection specifically designed for Web-based financial transactions and meet such industry standards as PCI-DSS requirements. Stripe is also certified as PCI Service Provider Level 1, the highest level of security certification for the payment card industry.

Legal Stuff

We (Tabgha Foundation) collect and process personal data in accordance with local and EU data protection laws. By completing and submitting this form, you are authorising Tabgha Foundation to maintain your data and consent to receive updates and information about the seven course you have applied for.

You have the right to request access to, or update your personal data by submitting your request in writing to our office. Tabgha Foundation will retain your data and send you updates until your written request for removal is acknowledged by the office.

Our full Privacy Notice can be viewed here.

Youth Fellowship forms part of Tabgha Foundation (VO/0314)